· 3 min read

Displaying a progress bar for a series of promises

Promises are awesome. They make dealing with asynchronous operations in JavaScript a breeze without having to visit or even think about call-back hell. One thing I have often wanted to do is display a progress update for a series of Promises to the UI, not the progress of an individual promise more displaying progress of a set of promises as a whole. Something to display a batch of REST requests to a service to keep track of multiple operations or just a series.

Granted this is an unorthodox situation, which you’d normally just use an indeterminate spinner for rather than a progress bar. Questions aside how would we display the progress of an array of (N) promises to the user?

Typically, you’ll be waiting for a collection of promises to end by using something like Promise. all() which by design wraps a collection of promises in another that resolves once all of them are complete and resolved. How can we hijack this a little to get a count of the current status of a promise? Yes indeed!

For testing, we’ll write a quick function to generate a resolving promise to help us test:

function getLongRunningPromise (ms, value) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(value), ms)

Now using this function we can set-up our Promise.all block to capture complete progress, but instead of just passing the promises array, we’re going to pass a slightly adjusted line of promises that have been mapped adding our handleProgress function in the then block.

// Our set of promises we want to show progress for
const promises = [
  getLongRunningPromise(5000, 'a'),
  getLongRunningPromise(1000, 'b'),
  getLongRunningPromise(10000, 'c'),
// This is the magic line where we map 
// each promise to a new `then` handler.
const promiseTick = promises.map(p => p.then(handleProgress));
// While still passing all the promises back to `Promise.all`
  .then((results) => {

Any here is a more full example, wrapped in an outer function to scope the doneCount variables.

const run = (promisesArray) => {
  let doneCount = 0;
  const overallCount = promisesArray.length;
  const handleProgress = (result) => {
    const percentageDone = Math.round(doneCount / overallCount * 100);
    return result;
  const handleComplete = (results) => {
  Promise.all(promisesArray.map(p => p.then(handleProgress)))
    .then((results) => {

The promise.map(p => p.then(handleProgress) is what adds a promise then listener to each promise in our array which we can use to do something after each promise completes without interrupting the main flow of the core Promise.all block which will complete if/when all the promises resolve acting as out “complete” call-back.

Handling errors

The astute readers of the above will notice a large flaw in this approach. Using Promise. all will make our script reject as soon as one of our Promises in the provided array rejects. If you are looking to not terminate the entire loading system you can use Promise.allSettled that will resolve as soon as all the promises have either been fulfilled or rejected, allowing you to continue the logic as required.


I’ve spun up a full demo which is available via this CodePen which expands on this additional Promise map idea and adds a bit of CSS and HTML to generate a progress bar.